Thursday, April 30, 2009

Baby Shower!!

Hope to see all the ladies at Marisa's shower next week!! On May 8th @6:30, Molly's house. It will be a really fun time, and it would be great to visit with everyone. Hope we'll see you there. Call Molly with any questions.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Finally Healed!

I think I am finally all healed from my cancer surgery. I have been doing yard work and walking on the treadmill, but yesterday I played 18 holes of golf at Westridge Golf Course in Salt Lake with Dave Gunn, Rob Wiseman and Brent Leseberg. I hadn't swung a club since November and it felt great to be out there. My game was pretty rusty but my back didn't hurt and doesn't hurt!! Now I can get serious about the yard work and the garden and wage war on the weeds. crabgrass and dandelions!!

Yesterday and today are both gorgeous and it's unbelievable to think that a week ago yesterday, we awoke to a foot of new snow!! Even the real estate market is picking up a little bit - not much - but some.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy Birthday

Today is Julie's birthday - I think she is turning 39 again, but she looks good enough that it might just be 29. Looks like we are finally going to get some decent weather - it's still mid morning and the temperature is over 50 degrees!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


April 16th and we get to start the day with 8 inches of heavy wet snow. Every shovel full feels like 50 pounds so my shovelling was very limited!! Now it's blue sky and sunshine so maybe it will all melt before I have to do more shovelling!! We made a quick one day run to Moab to test my back and have a little fun - last Friday we left Orem at 4 AM - met our club members at 7:30 AM and ran Poison Spider Mesa with them then went to the Fairgrounds for an hour or so to look at all the 4X4 exhibits - ate our favorite food at the Moab Diner and came home - got here about 10:30 PM - a little tired but what a great day!! And my back was OK - I got the last of my stitches out yesterday so I am officially done except for checkups every 4 months. Hope all is well with all of you - Love to all - JB

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Easter Fun

We had a little early easter fun with Russell's family on the 4th. Of course it was freezing and windy, but that didn't stop Luke from hunting eggs....3 times! This was his easter outfit--yes those are dinosaur rain boots you see with it. (He wears them with everything.) The tradition of an easter outfit is one I remember from when I was little. My mom always had an easter dress for the girls and something cute for Jake to wear, so it is something I have loved doing with Luke every year. Anyways, we hunted eggs and barbequed hamburgers and just hung out with Russell's parents and his sister and her baby and husband. Other than that, we have not been up to much out here, it's too windy to do anything. But we're getting excited for spring and yard work and golf. Hope everyone is doing well.