Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year

Hi Family!  Happy New Year!

I finished the semester and was super disappointed by a B+ in Economics.  I really, truly hated that class so I guess I should be happy with that but there you have it.  It drags down my GPA. Boo.  Otherwise, the semester went well.  I learned a great deal about myself, namely that I don't want to be an artist.  It was a fun, if not slightly wasted, semester.

We then jetted off the the fabulous Phoenix to go to Rachael and Whit's wedding.  It was so much fun.  I have never been to a wedding that was so cool.  She had the backyard of a really old Victorian house decorated beautifully and Rachael was stunning.  I have never seen a prettier bride.  I was the first one to start crying during the ceremony but that's okay; she is my best friend after all.  They had a s'mores bar and hot chocolate bar and food catered by the Olive Garden.  It was amazing.  Whit's band buddies did the music which was weird and perfect and then we wrapped up the night with some silly-white-people-dancing to a Mariachi Band.  It was so fun.  

I also got to see a bunch of other friends from high school.  It is so nice to catch up with all those people!  If any of you remember my friend Marie Hatch, its Parker now and she is hugely pregnant.  She is due in February.  We also got to go to lunch at Filibertos with Paula, Kory, and Kory's girlfriend Jen.  It was so nice to see them.      

We then flew home to have Christmas with the fams.  We got some good chill time in.  It was good to talk to Daniel (Nate's little bro, on a mission to GA) on Christmas.  He sounded so good and so happy.  

Among some other wonderful gifts from the families (my favorite of which is my David Bowie concert t-shirt I'm wearing as I type), is a sweet new tv from Nate's family.  Nate is in heaven watching all those bowl games on 37 inches, and Gilmore Girl's doesn't look too bad either.  We had to move our couch back.  I was mildly uncomfortable getting such and awesome gift when we have so little to give, but Nate's family is always so generous.  Hopefully next year we can make up for our meager offerings.  The bottom line is it's so good to spend time with family.  We played endless rounds of American Idol on the Wii with my family and it was just so fun.  

While we were home for Christmas, my buddy Courtney had her baby.  She had a beautiful little girl named Claire.  I am loving holding her.  It is nice to sit there and just snuggle a baby.  It is also nice that as I sit there Courtney recounts the joys of pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing, so that I don't get too baby hungry.  Right now I'm just super house hungry.  I'm jealous of our friends that don't have neighbors.  We are at war with ours at the moment, but that is another post for another time.

Nate is back at work but I still have two weeks till I start school.  I am trying to look for a job but that is not very fun. Our puppy, Bowie, is getting bigger and better everyday.  He is going in for his neuter next week and we are hoping he will be a whole new dog (but we are prepared if he is not).     

Yesterday was Nate's 27Th birthday!  Happy Birthday baby!  I love my handsome hubby.

I hope everyone is doing well.  I will try to post some pictures of Rachael's wedding.    

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