Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wanderers All

1113 South 200 east
Blanding Utah 84511

August 25, 2008

Wanderers All - my neighbor writes of the terrifying importance of attitude. He told of a young lady with an exceptionally good attitude - when questioned about it she said it was intentional. Further questions revealed that she had followed a bad school year and attitude with a seminar that taught - "Go a week without saying anything negative." It was difficult. She followed with another week. She then determined to make it her life style. The neighbor declares that she is a beautiful person, both spiritually and socially.

Lawrence Welk is reputed to have said, "If you don't get better, you will get worse."

Surely a better attitude and a desire to improve are traits that I and a number of other Wanderers could profitably seek after.

Back still out no work on my rock project in a long time. My love and blessings to you all.

Lark L.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Keeping up with the Flannerys

Shaun and Allison- Nothing particularly interesting to report. Allison has cute new hair (thanks Peg) but other than that just chugging along.

Maggie (8)- Started third grade in July. Loves to read and sing. She's a fantastic help with the babies and often a joy to be around.

Aidan(6)- Started first grade in July. Also a very good reader. We've thankfully had a little respite from the solo trips to Costco but some suspect that he's just trying to lull his folks into a false sense of security before he tries some new stunt.

Isaac(2)- After getting a bit of a late start Isaac has decided that talking is kind of cool after all and now he rarely shuts up. Isaac has also developed a love of all things on wheels. He's very good on his bigwheel (is it normal for a two year old to execute three point turns?) and loves the cars. (to the extent that he gets a hold of the keys and unlocks the car, gets in and starts it up. His parents are not amused.)

Ian(8mo)- Ian has started crawling and pulling up and while it looks like he probably won't walk at 9mo. like both his brothers did, we'd be surprised if he makes it to a year (unless I start pushing him down. I've thought about it.)

Summer has flown by for all of us and there haven't been any fun vacations but we're considering making that a priority, just as soon as the kitchen addition is done.
And that's all she wrote.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sad news from Arizona

So I run into some people I know at the Farmer's Market at Thanksgiving Point today and they introduce me to friends of theirs from Mesa, AZ. Somewhere along the way this pleasant interchange turns into tragedy... they inform me that Matta's has closed its doors. The Institution, the Tradition, the Chips and Salsa, the Sandy's Special is gone. It's the end of an era for the Washburn family, and apparently many others as well.

Tonight while watching the Olympics (more relay teams bizarrely dropping batons - it's the Olympics for heaven's sake, hold onto your batons!) I looked it up online because I was still in disbelief and sure enough they closed back in January. They say they are reopening elsewhere and have already opened a Matta's Grill but I'm afraid it will never be the same. They could have warned us so we could have gone for a last meal, or at least "a chip". Will Filiberto's be next? Paula, you need to be more vigilant and let us know what's going on down south.

While I'm on a food topic... I was reminiscing the other night about tomato sandwiches while eating a wonderrful tomato sandwich with fresh garden tomatoes from Melanie and Kevin's garden and white Great Harvest Bread from the best bakery in the franchise. And as good as it was, which was really quite good, I have to say that the best tomato sandwiches I have ever had were made from garden fresh tomatoes from Dad's garden(s) in Grand Junction and the round white bread Mom baked in High-C Fruit Juice cans. Now those were some good tomato sandwiches. The other difference between then and now is that somewhere along the way I developed a definite preference for mayonnaise over Miracle Whip. Although sometimes I skip the bread and mayo altogether and just eat the tomato with salt and pepper, or occasionally drizzled with a little olive oil. It's hard to go wrong with a good, fresh, straight-from-the-garden summer tomato. Our neighbor, Bill Christensen, brought us some just the other day. I might have to go eat one right now.

Love to all,


Monday, August 11, 2008

Hot Days of August

I can hardly believe the month is more than 1/3 gone already. We spent the 1st weekend of the month in Blanding - it was great to visit with Mom and Dad and we did some hiking in Butler Wash and saw some great ruins, petroglyphs and pictographs. It was extremely hot and we covered a lot of country but we were hardly ever lost and we saw some great stuff. We saw Penny and Duane, Casey and Marisa and Molly and Paxton - they were all there moving furniture and other goodies all over the place!! Took a bunch of Green River melons to Mom and Dad on the way south and stopped coming back north and stocked up. The Vetere's are great people and we have gotten to be good friends with them over the years and have bought tons of melons from them!!

This past weekend we stayed at a cabin in the mountains above Mt. Pleasant. One of the guys I work with at the Temple has a cabin there with his extended family. We mostly did NOTHING - just took it easy - read - ate - lazied around!! The mountain weather was wonderful. We did do a little geocaching on our way home. That's always fun.

One of my tomato plants is 6 feet high and at least 3 feet across, but the tomatoes are very slow to ripen - I go a few very early ripening, but now not much. We have been eating squash, peppers and zucchini like crazy. My lawn is only so-so but it has been very hot and I try to conserve water when I can.

At the end of the month you will wish you had written earlier so do it now and avoid the month end rush!!!!!!!!!! Love to all - J.B.