Monday, August 11, 2008

Hot Days of August

I can hardly believe the month is more than 1/3 gone already. We spent the 1st weekend of the month in Blanding - it was great to visit with Mom and Dad and we did some hiking in Butler Wash and saw some great ruins, petroglyphs and pictographs. It was extremely hot and we covered a lot of country but we were hardly ever lost and we saw some great stuff. We saw Penny and Duane, Casey and Marisa and Molly and Paxton - they were all there moving furniture and other goodies all over the place!! Took a bunch of Green River melons to Mom and Dad on the way south and stopped coming back north and stocked up. The Vetere's are great people and we have gotten to be good friends with them over the years and have bought tons of melons from them!!

This past weekend we stayed at a cabin in the mountains above Mt. Pleasant. One of the guys I work with at the Temple has a cabin there with his extended family. We mostly did NOTHING - just took it easy - read - ate - lazied around!! The mountain weather was wonderful. We did do a little geocaching on our way home. That's always fun.

One of my tomato plants is 6 feet high and at least 3 feet across, but the tomatoes are very slow to ripen - I go a few very early ripening, but now not much. We have been eating squash, peppers and zucchini like crazy. My lawn is only so-so but it has been very hot and I try to conserve water when I can.

At the end of the month you will wish you had written earlier so do it now and avoid the month end rush!!!!!!!!!! Love to all - J.B.

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