Saturday, August 23, 2008

Keeping up with the Flannerys

Shaun and Allison- Nothing particularly interesting to report. Allison has cute new hair (thanks Peg) but other than that just chugging along.

Maggie (8)- Started third grade in July. Loves to read and sing. She's a fantastic help with the babies and often a joy to be around.

Aidan(6)- Started first grade in July. Also a very good reader. We've thankfully had a little respite from the solo trips to Costco but some suspect that he's just trying to lull his folks into a false sense of security before he tries some new stunt.

Isaac(2)- After getting a bit of a late start Isaac has decided that talking is kind of cool after all and now he rarely shuts up. Isaac has also developed a love of all things on wheels. He's very good on his bigwheel (is it normal for a two year old to execute three point turns?) and loves the cars. (to the extent that he gets a hold of the keys and unlocks the car, gets in and starts it up. His parents are not amused.)

Ian(8mo)- Ian has started crawling and pulling up and while it looks like he probably won't walk at 9mo. like both his brothers did, we'd be surprised if he makes it to a year (unless I start pushing him down. I've thought about it.)

Summer has flown by for all of us and there haven't been any fun vacations but we're considering making that a priority, just as soon as the kitchen addition is done.
And that's all she wrote.

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