Monday, March 30, 2009

Oh the Guilt

Ok, JB you guilted me into it.

Here I am with nothing much to say. All's pretty well with our clan. Maggie and Aidan are in school, 3rd and 1st grade and they seem to be doing really well. Maggie was recently cast as Goldilocks in a play that the school's putting on so that should be pretty fun.

Ike and Ian are still just hanging around. Ian's well into the one year old leaving a path of destruction behind him stage and I'm getting really sick of cleaning up his messes but the other day he came over and kissed me for no reason and suddenly all was forgiven. Ike's still stealing cars every chance he gets and there's a little part of me that's dreading summer because I have a very clear mental picture of the auto theft it's going to lead to (but if it keeps snowing I might just lose my mind so bring on the warm).

Shaun and I are the same as ever, working a lot, hanging on to our sanity a little and just y'know, getting along. the construction on the kitchen's done(ish) and for those interested you can find pictures here. Other than that, I was thinking about going back to school this summer but I think it's going to wait until fall at least, maybe the new year...

And that's all I've got. Adios.

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