Saturday, June 28, 2008

From Grandad

You wandering bloggers-
If you think I don't know how to blog, you're right but if you can get help you can do anything you want that's worthwhile. One wiser than I named Confusion or maybe it was Confucious said, "You shouldn't overspend at the moment. Frugality is important." Although I didn't teach that well because the Grandmother just paid for all the confusion or Confucious for the past few days and it was well worth it. The Gothic Arch is officially underway three rocks on one side and two on the other. It will go slow, only a rock or two at a time when I lean on somebody for help. Your Grandmother and I thought this was a great festivity. Blessings on y'all thanks for your thoughts, calls, and prayers. Bushel and a Peck.
- Old Man Washburn

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