Thursday, July 31, 2008

What's Going on in Blansville

Well, mostly a lot of nothing. But here goes...
1. Duane has moved to Vernal and is working for an oilfield outfit called Cutters. He is a shop hand and build wiring harnesses (whatever that means). He is living with Megan and Russel in their basement right now but has put a new house under contract and could move into it as early as October or November. It appears he wanted to move back to Vernal, so he did.
2. I have to teach one more year and then I should have enough money to buy my last 2 years. So this weekend I will be moving to mom and dad's basement and live with them for the school year. Hopefully, we will be able to tend each other. Dad has given me an ultimatum...I have one week after school is over to be moved to Vernal. So, although I can honestly say I NEVER wanted to move back to Vernal, it appears I will be doing it anyway.
3. There is lots to do here. Someone, who will remain nameless, planted a rather large garden before abandoning me and it. So I have been doing lots of watering and weeding and watering and weeding (oh, and don't forget swearing!). I'll never understand why the weeds can do so well and the plants wilt at the first sign of sun. But anyway, it's a lot of work.
4. Maggie came and stayed with me after the reunion for about a week and then we went to Vernal with Marisa and Casey for the 4th of July. We had lots of fun while she was here. We scrapbooked, made cute little journals for her to write in, checked on the bunnies (I have 3 big ones and 5 babies), checked on the chickens and duck and gathered the eggs (a lady came and got the chickens and duck the day we left to go to Vernal), went to visit Granny and Grampa, went to get an ice cream cone, spent time with Marisa and Casey, went to see their NEW GORGEOUS house a few times, watched some "dreaded" TV, and just generally had a good time. Although, in defense of myself, I have to say that Maggie already knew how throw, pitch, or have an amazing fit when she got to my house. I really don't think I taught her anything new about that subject. Anyway, while we were in Vernal, we ate, played in the water, ate, watched movies, ate, played with Lukie, Gavin, and Savannah, ate, watched and participated in amazing fireworks, ate, went to the parade, and ate. It was lots of fun. Maggie went home with Molly and I went home with Marisa.
5. School starts next week on the 7th of August (Happy Birthday Stephen) for teachers, but I will be in Provo at a scrapbooking workshop called Creating Keepsakes University and the Provo Marriott with Megan on the 7th, 8th, and 9th. We are excited, panicked, awed, and nervous at the same time. I'll give you an update next month. Anyway, back to school. I keep saying that it might as well start because I won't be anymore ready in another month. This year (my last, I hope) I will be teaching 7th grade CTE for 4 quarters. It is just an introductory class to show what they can do in Family Consumer Science classes (Home Ec) in high school. I'm making some changes to the curriculum but it shouldn't be too bad. I will also be teachin FACS Explorations to 8th graders for 2 semesters. It is another introductory class. First semester I will also teach General Financial Literacy, Child Development, Foods I, and Clothing I. Second semester I will also teach General Financial Literacy, Interior Design I, Foods II, and Clothing II. It seems like once classes start it really zooms right along, so it shouldn't be too bad, except for not having a chaufeur (I have no clue how to spell that word).
6. Mom and dad are good. It's great to be able to spend so much time with them and try and be of some help to them. Dad is experiencing quite a bit of pain in his back. He has been going to physical therapy but isn't convinced it's doing any good. He will be getting one of those chairs that helps him to stand up, soon we hope. He gets outside a little to change water and give intructions to people helping him, but has a hard time standing up for very long. He doesn't eat much and is thin and frail, but watches lots of different sports on TV and helps with turning mom's quilts. We are about to get hooked up with the internet at his house, so that will be a whole new experience for him. He'll be burning up the search engines. Mom is doing quite well. She doesn't eat much either and is also thin and frail. She works deligently on her quilts and enjoys coming up with new patterns and ideas. I think they are relatively happy and content.
Of course, who knows how they'll be once I get moved in and start bossing them around!!!
7. Much l0ve to all of you. I hope the rest of your summer and the rest of you year is productive and rewarding, or at least fun. Pen

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