Thursday, July 31, 2008

End of the month

I'm getting a fair amount of flak about the blog versus the paper newsletter. If you have any desire to vote (more than you write!) you may do so. I don't know that we will be making a change but we may discuss it. I am going to Blanding this weekend and I'm sure the topic will come up!!

The long hot summer is moving on. I have lots to do in August and the summer has been very busy for me because of my involvement with a number of foreclosures and short sales. Unfortunately, both are a rapidly growing segment of the real estate world. Most of the news we hear is down right UGLY, but it is what it is and life will go on.

We didn't go with the Lone Peak 4-Wheelers in July. They went up American Fork Canyon but we just had too much going on and my Jeep was having some issues as well.

Hope all is well with all of you and I hope a lot of you will BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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